The Global Resurgence of Democracy

"A useful compilation popularizing the work of an influential journal… The Journal of Democracy is an effective tribune for mainstream U.S. thinking on these issues."—Political Studies
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In its first edition, The Global Resurgence of Democracy brought together essays on democratization written from 1989 to 1991 by internationally prominent scholars, intellectuals, and political leaders. This thoroughly revised and updated second edition extends that work with a wealth of fresh material on a wide range of conceptual, historical, institutional, and policy issues.
“A useful compilation popularizing the work of an influential journal… The Journal of Democracy is an effective tribune for mainstream U.S. thinking on these issues.”—Political Studies
“This is an anthology of articles from The Journal of Democracy, a quarterly sponsored by the quasi-official National Endowment for Democracy. For those unfamiliar with it, the Journal of Democracy since its founding four years ago has published some of the best contemporary writing on the subject of modern liberal democracy.”—Foreign Affairs