Did Muhammad Yunus Sign Up for Mission Impossible?

The JoD’s 10 Most-Read Essays

The Journal of Democracy strives to keep you up to date on the latest developments in global democracy and autocracy. Here are our ten most-read essays over the past month.

China and the Battle for the Global South

Beijing is bent on curbing democratic freedoms and imposing totalitarianism at home and abroad. The following Journal of Democracy essays dissect China’s influence operations and offer ways for even fragile democracies to combat autocratic influence.

The Elections That Mattered Most in 2024

The “year of elections” is entering its final stretch, and the contests of 2024 have run the gamut. We saw landslides, charades, and — in democratic and authoritarian settings alike — a fair number of surprises. What were the most significant elections of the year so far?

Final Day to Read the October Issue for Free

The latest issue of the Journal of Democracy covers important and alarming global trends, including authoritarian aggression, political violence, rising nationalism, and the far right’s resurgence. Don’t miss your chance to read it for free!

Why Dictators Are Making a Comeback

Authoritarians are evolving — becoming more unconstrained and repressive at home, and more destructive on the global stage. The following essays unpack the authoritarians’ toolkit, revealing their strategies for taking power and upending the liberal world order.

10 Days Left to Read the October Issue for Free

Authoritarian aggression, democratic recession, political violence, nationalism, and far-right resurgence. The latest issue of the Journal of Democracy offers incisive analysis and cogent solutions to these troubling trends across the globe.

The Future of Multiracial Democracy

Immigration to the West has been soaring for a decade, as rising numbers of people flee conflict, hunger, and poverty. In the new issue of the Journal of Democracy, four leading thinkers explore the future of multiracial democracy and show how democracies must adapt if they are to succeed.

Africa’s Leaders for Life

The continent’s aspiring dictators are attacking term limits with a vengeance, finding new ways to avoid handing over power. But citizens are overwhelmingly against it — and can help keep their leaders in check.