Francisco C. Weffort
Francisco C. Weffort is professor of political science at the University of São Paulo in Brazil and a researcher at the Center for Studies of Contemporary Culture (CEDEC), of which he was the founder and first president. He spent the past academic year as a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington. His publications include América Latina: Ensayos de Interpretación Sociológico-Política (edited with Fernando Henrique Cardoso, 1970), O Populismo na Politica Brasiliera (1978), and Por que Democracia? (1986).

Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy Revisited
"Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy Revisited is must reading for anyone who considers him- or herself a political economist, and it should also appeal to those probing the uncertainties of contemporary democratization."—Philippe C. Schmitter, Stanford University.